MotoWorkout INTRO

Posted by admin 01/11/2021 0 Comments MotoWorkout,




My name is Paolo and I have been dedicating myself to free body training for many years. I have done specialized courses and updates in calisthenics and the really interesting thing about this discipline is that you get incredible and functional results. This made me think of spreading this knowledge and applying some aspects of calisthenics to the motocross sport I practice.
So Motoworkout was born from this impulse with the intent to give a method to be able to keep fit in a targeted way for the sport you love but at the same time try to get passionate to the point of being able to train always and as I do.

With Motoworkout you will not have miraculous cards or movements, you will have at hand a simple but effective method to constantly increase the difficulty of the exercises. Know that it all depends on you and this progression.

There are no innovative exercises that if repeated will give you more results than others. The basic exercises of pushes, pulls, isometries and for the legs are more than enough, what will determine the result is the physiological progression, constant in intensity, volume and density.




For me calithenics has become almost a faith ... In the sense that I started as a joke and after 7 years I continue to train every day and the idea of skipping a workout makes me feel almost as uncomfortable as not taking an important medicine. I went beyond thinking about the body and muscles (which then come as a side effect), for me it is a medicine that makes me feel good. I feel little fatigue, I can do many sports without experiencing exaggerated fatigue, I feel my body well structured, very few back pains, in short, I am really well and this is reason enough for me to try to pass it on to others.

So I took the basic exercises that affect the muscles that are most stressed in motocross (which are also good for other motorcycle sports) and inserted them with the progression method.




I propose a way for you to understand that if you avoid unnecessary effort and focus on a few simple things with a method, then you can get results. It is clear that the tables will be generic, each of us is different and reacts differently to stimuli. I do not know who will use the tables and therefore I cannot know if some movements you are able to do them or not, if they are good for you or not, if the intensity is right or not. This is why I work as a personal in calisthenics, in order to know and adapt the exercises to the best.

For this reason the cards that I will propose have basic movements and exercises, in physiology aimed more at resistance and mobility than at pure strength. What these tables have that make them "adaptable" to each of you is the ability to scale the intensity of the exercises, to change the volume and density. This is the key.

The cards are calibrated to be short enough and can be performed anywhere so that everyone can carve out an hour and seek consistency over time.



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